The PI Service is a web service which acts as a single point of access to PI data. Both people and application programs can retrieve PI data using the same simple web requests.
On a refinery the annual leak detection program involves an operator going out in the field and using a portable gas detector to measure atmospheric VOC concentrations
The PI historian is designed to be very good at storage and retrieval of continuous data. Its highly-efficient compression mechanisms have been designed around the physical constraints of sensors and process measurement.
By analysing streaming statistical measures from real-time operational data, a client was able to alert on impending subsystem failure and avoid unscheduled downtime
Business Issue: The client faced financial and operational risks when an enterprise-wide maintenance planning system became superseded by later releases and was about to be desupported by the vendor.
A selection of applications my teams and I have developed
Tank Farm Management
The application allows the definition and planning of lineups (a lineup being a set of oil movements from a set of source to a set of destinations via a mesh of pipework, valves and pumps)
A sophisticated and critical operator interface was implemented using the Honeywell Experion system as a base. Due to the data-intensive nature of the live objects making up the screens...
This application was originally designed as a web-based system to manage staff Personal Development Plans. The system grew over time to encompass Succession Planning, with a skills database